AP / DE Biology
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AP / DE Biology

AP Biology

Mrs. Machen

 Sparkman 9 - Room 233


Welcome to AP Biology!  The following information is about my classroom.  If you or your parents/guardians have any questions about any aspect of my class, please ask me.  I may be contacted by email (lmachen@madison.k12.al.us) or at school (382-2030 x 206). 


Course Objectives:

·         To build upon the biological foundation that was constructed in high school biology classes.

·         To expand that knowledge and provide the necessary tools to advance into upper level biology courses.


Required Materials:

·         Three-ring binder

·         Notebook dividers

·         Colored pencils

·         Pens – blue or black ink

·         Pencils

·         SHS Planner

·         $20 Laboratory fee / donation

·         Goggles

·         Cliff Notes – AP Biology

·         Novels to be assigned at a later date


Classroom Rules and Expectations:

·         Speak at appropriate times using appropriate voices.

·         Respect other people and their property.

·         Arrive to class on time and with necessary supplies.

·         Food or drink is not permitted in class or lab.

·         Cell phones are not permitted in class or lab.

·         Utilize class time wisely.

·         Follow all school rules.


Unit Information and Timeframe:

Unit 1

Introduction to Biology and Science as a Process

Chapter 1

1 Week

Unit 2

Animal Form and Function

Chapters 40-51

3 Weeks

Unit 3


Chapters 52-56

2 Weeks

Unit 4

Mechanisms of Evolution

Chapters 22-25

2 Weeks

Unit 5

The Evolutionary History of Biological Diversity

Chapters 26-34

3 Weeks

Unit 6

Plant Form and Function

Chapters 10, 35-39

2 Weeks

Unit 7

The Chemistry of Life

Chapters 2-5

1 Week

Unit 8


Chapters 13 - 21

3 Weeks

Unit 9

The Cell

Chapters 6-9, 11-12

2 Weeks



Grading Policy:

Unit Test and Laboratory Activities – 60%

Homework, Quizzes, Projects – 40%

Homework will include guided reading assignments for each of the chapters, completion of laboratory reports or assessments, chapter review questions, and free-response essay questions.  Several projects and novels will be assigned throughout the year as homework.


Tests, quizzes, laboratory activities and homework will be assigned by the teacher and completion dates will be specified in class.  Students will be given an ample and fair amount of time to complete an assignment or study for a test.  If a student fails to turn in an assignment, he/she will receive a zero.  It is the student’s responsibility to obtain any missed notes, assignments, etc. due to an absence.  Any missed laboratory activity will result in a project that correlates to the missed laboratory activity.


Unit Exams: 

The material will be primarily from lecture notes, laboratory experiments, and assigned textbook material.  The exam will be consistent with the AP format:  multiple choice, matching, diagrams, and free-response essay questions.  If a student should be absent on a test day, it is the students responsibility to get with me to arrange a time to complete this exam. 


Absent work:

Any work due when absent from class is due the day the student returns.  If a student si absent the day before a test but returns the day of the test, the student will be expected to complete the test with the class.  Because AP Biology must move at a fast pace, assignments, tests, etc. missed due to an absence should be completed as soon as possible. 


Cheating Policy:

Cheating and plagiarism will not be accepted and will result in the failure of the assignment.  Talking is not allowed during testing.  This will be considered cheating.


Progress Reports:

Progress reports will be given to each student approximately every 4.5 weeks.  Below is the grading period for this academic year:


Grading Period

Progress Reports

Report Card

August 10 – October 16, 2009

August 28 & September 22

October 22, 2009

October 19 – December 22, 2009

November 6 & December 2

January 7, 2010

January 5 – March 12, 2010

January 26 & February 17

March 25, 2010

March 22 – May 21, 2010

April 9 & April 30

May 28, 2010



AP Exam:  In order to receive your weighted grade for AP Biology, the AP Test must be taken.  If you do not take the test, this class will count the same as any other class.